Friday, June 27, 2008

The Climber

It is amazing what just one month will do! With each new step of independence Abby takes she developes a new found curiosity and need to explore. Abby is no longer content to sit, or even walk around, and play. She has developed a love of climbing. It began a few weeks ago. She was in the den playing with some toys and I ran to the kitchen to fix her some juice. Our house is small and you can see every room from every room. I clearly did not give Abby enough credit because in the few short minutes this task took, she had climbed on to the dining room chair and from there on to the top of the dining room table! I didn't even realize she could get in the chair and apparently neither did she. When I walked back in she was sitting on the table waiting for me with the biggest smile. She was so proud and clapped for herself as if she had just won a gold medal. As cute as this all is, it is becoming more and more difficult to keep her on the ground. She climbs on anything in sight. She loves to sit on the end tables. And it takes her seconds to scooch her little hiney up there.

Does this mean I need to strap her in to a harness and carabiner and set her up to scale the house? Stuart - if you're reading, let me know if 16 months old is too early for bouldering and climbing mountains!

With the summer Olympics just around the corner, I feel compelled to start her in gymnastics. Maybe I can live vicariously through her because, you know, I was supposed to be in the 2000 Olympics. Bella Karolyi told me I missed out by mere tenths of a point! Speaking of, I am so excited for August and all the gymnastics. We don't have tivo, dvr, or any other programs but I am thinking we need to install it for the month of August because gymnastics is my absolute favorite! And I don't want to push it on Abby but she seems to enjoy climbing and flipping around right now. I've looked in to some gymboree classes and need to figure out what age bracket to start her in; she's just on the cusp of two different ones and I think that would make a pretty big difference developmentally. I don't know, we'll see. For the time being I'll just let her enjoy herself and try to keep her from climbing the walls. Maybe I'll get her a helmet!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The death of my Melanocyte...

I apologize to those of you who won't find this interesting, especially when it has been quite some time since my last post.

Taken from Wikipedia...
Children born with a certain color may find that it gradually darkens as they grow. Many blond, strawberry blond, light brown, or red haired infants experience this.
A change in hair color typically occurs naturally as people age, usually turning their hair to gray and then white. More than 40 percent of Americans have some gray hair by age 40, but white hairs can appear as early as childhood. The age at which graying begins seems to be almost entirely based on genetics. Sometimes people are born with gray hair because they inherit the trait genetically. Some people use hair dye to disguise the amount of gray in their hair.
Two genes appear to be responsible for the process of graying, Bcl2 and Bcl-w. The change in hair color is caused when melanin ceases to be produced in the hair root and new hairs grow in without pigment. The stem cells at the base of hair follicles are responsible for producing melanocytes, the cells that produce and store pigment in hair and skin. The death of the melanocyte stem cells causes the onset of graying.

John and I decided to take a day off this week. Really, sweet John decided that I needed to get out of Birmingham and relax. We have a lot going on right now, and I promise at some point I will update this blog. But for now I will stick with Monday's trip to the lake. John, Abby and I packed up and headed to his grandparents lake house. John spent much of the day locked in the bunk house studying. Abby and I took a stab at swimming in the lake. The water was warm but dirty and Abby slowly took to it. I don't believe she has ever held on to me that tightly. And by our third visit to the giant bath, Abby relaxed and stopped repeating "all gone" (her way of communicating she was ready to get out!) and pointing to the stairs. Abby exhausted herself running across the lawn, gripping my neck, and climbing the staircase, what felt like a million times. She took two short naps giving me the opportunity to engross myself in a book and slip in and out of a nap or two myself! It was a great day. Abby and I just played together with no chores, errands, or responsibilities. Thank you babe!

But, on to the real reason for the post. We packed up and were on our way home. Abby was so tired she fell asleep before we made it to the main road. I was driving so John was sitting to my right. And then he pointed out the death of my melanocyte. There, standing out against the rest,in their wirey, coarse way, were 3 (not one) grey hairs! It doesn't upset me to be greying, I mean I do think I will probably color it. And let's face it, I knew I would grey early, my entire family did so it's in my genes. I just wasn't expecting it! Needless to say, I pulled all three of them! And yes, I have certainly heard that when you pull one, three more grow back in it's place. But it was an impulsive move. You don't leave your first grey hair. You study it and then scour the rest of your scalp! Now the decision to be made is, when I do move in to coloring my hair, what direction to go? I could stick to my original brown. OR, I could be daring! I could take on new colors and try out new identities!!! This could be fun!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Out of the woods and in to the

Two years ago, someone more needing than John and me I'm sure, stole good ole Rhonda the Honda. I was five months pregnant and we were visiting friend in Philly, PA. We parked the car a block from their house and went inside. The next afternoon we were casually strolling through the neighborhood and noticed Rhonda was not where we left her. John and I, in a state of shock, laughed through most of the ordeal. What could you really do? I'm not sure if it was the extra hormones racing through my body but crying just seemed silly at the time. (Three days later it felt like the only emotion possible. ) Nonetheless, we rented a car and headed back to Baltimore, unsure of what to do next.
God was already at work. Allison and Stuart just happened to be in Birmingham for the weekend and John's parents lovingly offered their 1994 Volvo until we could come up with a plan. They drove it back up and we gratefully excepted and lovingly drove the Swiss heater for 2 years. It was/is a great car and did exactly what we needed. The biggest problem was the air conditioner, which just didn't work. It didn't really bother us in Baltimore. The weather was cool and we needed heat more than air. But as you all know, you really need air in Alabama, cold air. Again, this was our only real complaint of the car until recently. I think the car must just be tired but it has been quiting. We will be driving down the road and everything just cuts off. You have to be patient and try several times but it will eventually crank back up. Friday however, it did this 4 times. Three of which I was by myself, at night, and it was pouring down rain.
So, after two years, we figured out our plan! Saturday morning we went to a car lot and literally gave the lucky salesman who decided to say hello our money. He laughed at us because as we each test drove the vehicle, all we could talk about was how great the air felt. We are now the proud parents of a 2007 Subaru Forester! She is beautiful, in that awkward so ugly it's cute sort of way! I love it! White with tan interior and an amazing air conditioner! John and I (mainly John) did a ton of research. We were looking for a safe car with enough space to tote Abby's gear, fuel efficiency with the ever rising gas prices, and checking account friendly! I think we found it. I'm still working on a name for her. I really liked Frannie the Forester but John wasn't a huge fan. If you have any suggestions please feel free to suggest away! I'll post pictures of our exact one as soon as we have some but here's the idea. Ours is white and obviously not as new looking.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Graduate

Sorry - I lied. I guess it is not just downloading pictures that delays my posts.
Last weekend we took a trip to Baltimore for John to graduate. For those of you who are confused; here's the deal. You graduate law school from the school you took 2 of your 3 years. So John was just a visiting student at Cumberland but has a degree from UB. We had such a great trip and I am so proud of John. The last three years were not the easiest but he stuck through it. His perseverance and dedication paid off. He was able to ignore my constant requests to not study and go do something fun! I was more supportive his first year. I would read cases to him just so that we could be in the same room and talk! For about a week straight I would lay on the bed in our room and read some book, I'm not sure if it was fiction or not but I read his novel out loud while he painted our bedroom. But as time went on I became increasingly more bored with statutes and the Blacks Law Dictionary. So to everyone who said that the wives deserved a round of applause for making it through 3 years, I say nope; it was all John!
Speaking of the ceremony. It was a lot different than I was expecting. They are graduating from law school, a very poised profession. But in my opinion the ceremony was far from professional and that surprised me. And I'm not sure if it is a northern thing or just Baltimore but the Valedictorian definitely threw up a power to the people during her speech! It was awesome!
In all seriousness, good job babe! I know it was not easy by any stretch of the word. You were tested, broken, and beat down in such a draining manner but you accepted the challenge and made it to the end. And you came out of this with so much more than just an intense knowledge of the law. I am proud of you! Now on to the BAR!!! WaHoo!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Take me out to the ballgame....

I have been sufficiently reprimanded so be prepared for several posts in a row here in the next few days! I apologize to those of you who hang on my every word an pine away for intellectual insight! Just kidding! The real reason for my infrequent postings is due largely to the untimely manner in which I download my pictures. I prefer to post with pictures because my words are not enough. I like to show off my sweet family. And when it takes me two weeks to sit down with the camera and download, it therefore takes me two weeks to sit down and post. But one of the first things I did yesterday was download all pictures so we are ready!

Last weekend we had a great time. Abby had a big weekend full of new and exciting events. We started off with a trip to the Barons Baseball game. Abby sported her pink Orioles jersey for most of the game! She had a blast because there were so many kids there. It is amazing to see her focus on all of the children. I think she could sit and watch them for hours. It was a late night though and she was very tired. The last hour of the game she sat in my lap and propped her head up on my shoulder. She was too tired to hold up her head but fought to stay awake to watch the excitement. As for the actual game, I have no idea what went on! I'm not sure if we won, what the score was, and to be honest, I don't know who the Barons played! But it was fun and I am glad we went.

The next event in our exciting weekend was a trip to the Farm! It was family day at my parents church and one of their members lives on a farm in Vincent, AL. It was great because there was a big open space for Abby to just run! Again, there were kids older than her that she loved to sit and watch. She also got to ride on a tractor! Pops was driving and to be honest I was very nervous! Needless to say, I had a death grip on Abby during the hay ride. But she was able to look at dogs, cows, and goats. My dad was very excited to show Abby the goats because about a year ago he helped castrate them! That may be inappropriate to say on here but oh well!

It was a fun weekend and I feel certain Abby enjoyed herself. It is still amazing to watch her grow and learn with each day. She is becoming such a big help and eager to copy John and I. At the farm we were loading up and I was helping my dad transfer drinks from one cooler to another. Without any prompting, Abby walked over and started picking up cans from one cooler and putting them in the other! We walked by the cows and she started moo-ing! Children are amazing and I love her more each day!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Fun in the Sun!

I love it outside and so does Abby. It is wonderful living so close to the park. Abby loves it! Especially when there are other kids around. The most recent trip was during a Joy League game so there were plenty of other kids to watch. But Abby had plenty of fun playing with dad. Her favorites were the slide and the tunnel. I know this is a short post but I really just wanted to put up pictures of Abby having a blast!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

It's a GIRL!!!

No, no, no, I'm not expecting so don't let your mind go to that place! I'm just so excited that Abby has hair long enough to put in bows!!!! This is a big event for me. I should finally stop getting the question, "how old is he?" John and I have discussed this and never thought it would irratate us for people to get our child's gender confused; but it did. I shouldn't let it because I rarely can tell if a baby is a little boy or girl. Which is why I often refer to them as, little one, baby or something similar. So to be able to put a bow in Abby's hair without the help of toothpaste is very exciting. Now we just have to figure out how to make her like it! Right now she trys to pull it out every time but usually if you can sneak it in her hair while she is focused on something else, it will stay for a good while!

I am also happy that I can finally post some pictures on here that give her a more girly look! I was starting to notice that all of her pictures on her were a bit ambiguous. She had on nuetral pajamas and blue t-shirts. So here are some pictures of my little girl!
You can see she wasn't really feeling it at first!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

10 Things you may not know about me!

But actually there are 12. And I'm sure I could keep going. I have recently seen myself with a more critical eye and discoverd all sorts of strange behaviors! Some of these you may already know and after learning the others you may realize I am not as awesome as you once thought…maybe I should not have posted this????

My Mom is SOOOO weird!!!

1. I tear off the first square of toilet paper in every public restroom. I cannot use it. It is a strange germ phobia/issue I have. I cannot help but think of the last person to use the restroom and that their germy hands touched that piece of tp. I can’t use it for toileting purposes now! It officially contains what I like to call, pee particles! And because of these pee particles floating around the restroom, I don’t like to leave my toothbrush out in the open. The pee particles also cause to me to freak out and throw out my gum if I accidentally blow a bubble or open my mouth in the bathroom.

2. I hate to wear earrings or suites. I am convinced I look like an 8 year old playing dress up in my mom’s clothes.

3. My profile is not my best feature. My chin is almost non-existent and so I do not like to be photographed from the side. However, I discovered that if I swallow, it pulls up my skin and gives me a well defined chin! I spent my entire wedding day swallowing and now anytime a camera is in view, I swallow!

4. I have a fear of parking decks, tunnels, and bridges. I don’t trust the structures and am convinced that they will collapse or I will get trapped in them. Maybe I have watched too many movies but I tend to feel like an elephant is sitting on my chest when I have to go through, in, or over.

5. Broadway is my dream job. I wish so badly that I could sing and it would be so fun to dance. So to be able to do all of that would be amazing! By myself, in my car, all alone, I am a Broadway star.

6. Holidays and special occasions are my favorite. I love to make a big deal out of anything worth celebrating. I could care less how commercialized an occasion has become because in my mind there is always a reason to have fun. My theory is that, regardless if we should, we don’t always show people how much we care so why not go all out on days set aside to do just that!

7. I can only talk on the phone using my left ear. My right ear just does not hear as well and I feel spastically uncoordinated trying to hold it on that side. Should I have my hearing checked?

8. I love people. I thrive on being social and surrounded by people. I hope that when Abby grows up my house is where all the kids want to be. Please do not ever feel like you are intruding on me. I have an open door policy and, if it were safer, would leave my door unlocked. I enjoy drop-ins and surprise visits.

9. One of my favorite things to do is go in to Abby’s room in the middle of the night and pick her up. I love to snuggle with her and feel her head nestled in the nape of my neck. John is always worried that I am going to wake her up but most of the time I am selfish and just don’t care! She’s just too sweet and innocent for words.

10. I am very prideful and stubborn. In my mind I can do everything. Nothing seems illogical or unreasonable. I don’t read instructions or directions and always think I can figure things out. I hate the word 'can’t’ because to me that says you are throwing your white flag up in surrender. I would rather fail a million times than have anyone else do it for me or tell me how.

11. I have the most massive crush on Patrick Dempsy. In fact, I am obsessed with Patrick Dempsy to the point of having to come clean with John. He knows that if Patrick ever knocks on our door, I'm sorry; I will have to leave John to be with him. He is on my 'List' and actually the only one on my list. When he smiles (yes I realize it is only on television) I melt and get goose bumps. Watching him in movies and on television makes me feel like a giddy school girl wondering how I can change my path in the hallway to run in to him!

12. You can almost always count on seeing me with my sunglasses on my face or acting as a headband. They are like a soft blanket that comforts me daily. I feel invisible when they are on my face and naked if they are not on my head. If I don't have a pair handy for any moments notice I panic and begin breathing rapidly. I will wear them when needed on bright, sunshiny days, when it is pouring down rain, even when I get out of the shower to hold my hair back as I put on my make-up.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hip Hip Hooray!

Yes I realize I already posted today but this calls for another round! John was offered and then chose to accept a job!!! He is officially a real lawyer in a real firm in the very real city of Birmingham. I guess he is not technically a really lawyer just yet. He does still have to finish this little thing called school and take this silly little test called the Bar but other than that he's in. I know he is beside himself thrilled and I am just tickled pink! We were starting to get to that point where making jokes about his unemployed status was not funny anymore. They started to hit just a little too close to home, and it did not really feel like much of a laughing matter. It was all fun and games while he was in school and not expected to have one. In fact, his first year he was not allowed to have one by order of the school. But as time went on and school started coming closer to an end it became more of a punch in the gut than a joke - ha ha - not funny! I am so proud of John and knew he could do it. Once he got in for an interview there was no way anyone could pass him over.
So let the joking cease and the celebrating begin! The Lord is good and he will provide!

Monday, April 7, 2008

No Mo B-Mo??? Not AnyMo

When John first told me he was moving to Baltimore back in 2004 to cut grass for the Orioles, No Mo B-Mo was all I could think. I chanted it often, even made John a CD so cleverly titled No Mo B-Mo that consisted of sappy love songs hoping he wouldn't forget me. I should not be admitting this but I did not even know where Baltimore was; had no idea it was in the state of Maryland. (I've never considered Geography one of my strengths!) None the less, I never in a million years thought I would be saying, "I miss Baltimore!" And I do. A Lot!
While I spent the weekend lovingly acting as a single parent (blog to come soon on that), John enjoyed a weekend in the city I think of as ours, and I was jealous! I know we spent 6 months in Birmingham just after getting married, but I still consider Baltimore our first city, our first home, and an all around great place. Baltimore really brought John and I together as a family. Our relationship became deeper and more meaningful because we learned to depend solely on each other.
I also loved Baltimore for what it did to me. I grew up! I gained this confidence and independence I never knew I had or could have. I am the baby of my family and have a sister 11 years older than me and because of this I was always looked at as the one everyone needed to take care of. It is sweet and I am thankful for my nurturing family. But it was nice to grow in to my own, to have something of my own, and to feel like I could do things for myself.
And of course - I love Baltimore because that is where we started our family! Thanks to GBMC, we have a healthy, beautiful, baby girl! I definitely missed having my family and friends around during my pregnancy but am grateful that we had Abby in Baltimore. It gave us a chance to figure things out for ourselves. Sorry Abby! And Abby will be the cool kid in school who can say, well I was born in Maryland but have lived in Alabama for most of my life!

So here are a few of the things I miss most about Baltimore and my life there: (in no particular order)
  • Allison - we developed a relationship that I truly cherish - And Stuart and Bird of course!
  • All of our friends who really became like family. It was neat to spend holidays with our Baltimore family, and we taught them a thing or two about how to really celebrate a holiday focused on Jesus!
  • Walking everywhere - what a great way to start your day with a nice brisk walk to work!
  • Carma's Icelandic Yogurt - she will ship it anywhere you like on dry ice but I have a hard time justifying spending $100 for a $4 cup of yogurt!
  • Donna's caramel lattes
  • The Saturday morning Waverly Farmer's Market
  • The Row Houses and architecture- although we didn't know our neighbors as well as I thought we should have seeing as how we shared walls. I never did ask anyone for a cup of sugar!
  • Grilling out on our back porch and having people over all the time. Having Abby really helped us become the central location. Everyone just came to us!
  • Having an elaborate fireplace in your bedroom!
  • The enormous claw foot tub in our first apartment.
  • Feeling like everything you see and do is a new and grand adventure simply because you are in a different city.
I love Baltimore - and I love the people we left. I will forever look back and smile when I think of that wonderful time in our lives, Hun!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Can you see me blushing?

My husband has now apparently become my agent and I am embarrassed! I do find it really sweet that he wanted to share this with everyone I just get self-conscious. He asked why I would start a journal on the world wide web if I didn't want anyone to read it. Good question. I think this all boils down to the fact that I have severely low self confidence.

Now on to a subject that I would greatly appreciate feedback. My 14 month old little baby is growing up! While I am super proud of having clearly a child prodigy, I am missing my little girl who depended on me for everything! The little bundle of joy who needed me to carry her, feed her, play for her as she adoringly watched. Most of these new found spurts of independence are amazing to watch and deepen my faith in God. She is truly a sponge soaking up everything. I love to sit and watch her as she studies your every move and the world around her. She surprises John and I daily with the new things she learns that we have never taught her. The other day I asked her to back up, not really expecting any reaction; however, she stopped what she was doing and carefully took several steps backwards! Just last night she was able to complete a two step request, go pick a flower and give it to Ma (her great-grandmother), to which she happily complied. Last week she began shaking her head up and down for yes and side to side for no. I didn't believe she understood 'yes' until I asked her tonight if she wanted more dinner and she quickly shook her and opened her mouth! I never doubted her understanding of 'no!'
However, in this past week, when Abby started shaking her head no, hitting me and then laughing hysterically, and shoving kids out of the way to get to her favorite toy, I began to worry. I should have assumed this would come sooner than later. Earlier in the year John and I were reprimanded by her Day Care because Abby was stealing other children's bottles and drinking them. We will not go in to the details of how she had the time to not only get to the bottles but also to keep them long enough to drink. Another story for another time! All of this to ask, is it bad to be thrilled, relieved, and happy to see your child grow and develop while at the same time miss and reminisce on the days of complete dependency? And, how do you discipline a one year old? Does she really know what she is doing? Is this just a developmental stage she is going through that I should be happy about? After all, it shows she is making decisions; determining her wants/needs/likes/dislikes. Regardless, we will continue to teach as best we know how, through example. I guess I should stop smacking John around and laughing hysterically!!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

What a Sucker!!!

Ok Laura - I did it and this is all for you! I'm not exactly sure why I am begining this blog because I am not witty, insightful, clever, or anything of the like. My grammer, syntax, and spelling are all pretty bad; I chose math for a reason! None the less, my dear friend Laura explained blogging to me in a way that made it seem worth while. As a resource for keeping in touch. And although I try, I am not the best at journaling or writing things down. I have the best of intentions but never seem to get around to it. And I figure that one day, my dear sweet Abby would like to know what when on in her life! (any maybe her parents'!) So for this, I am giving blogging a try. Here is my best attempt at documentation!

I guess I will explain my title in this first entry. I feel it is pretty self explanatory, My cup runneth over. We have all heard it a million times and as cliche as it sounds, my cup truly does run over. I am blessed. I have an amazing husband who loves the Lord as well as me and Abby. I have a beautiful baby girl who, at this point in her life, loves me unconditionally. She teaches me so much each day. I have a great relationship with my family and we enjoy each others company. And something that I feel extremely lucky to be able to say is that I have a great group of friends who serve as a support structure as well as a family to me. Don't get me wrong, my life is not all peaches and cream! We have our share of struggles but something I am learning daily is to be not only content with where I am now, but excited about it. I will never get this time back and I have realized it is silly to wish away this time just because I am looking forward to what is in our future. It is not easy and I struggle constantly with this idea. There are so many things I want and wish for and am looking forward to. But I need to be happy, content, and proactive. One of the things I have been wanting is documentation of our life so here is my first step in a new and improved proactive life!