Monday, May 26, 2008

Out of the woods and in to the

Two years ago, someone more needing than John and me I'm sure, stole good ole Rhonda the Honda. I was five months pregnant and we were visiting friend in Philly, PA. We parked the car a block from their house and went inside. The next afternoon we were casually strolling through the neighborhood and noticed Rhonda was not where we left her. John and I, in a state of shock, laughed through most of the ordeal. What could you really do? I'm not sure if it was the extra hormones racing through my body but crying just seemed silly at the time. (Three days later it felt like the only emotion possible. ) Nonetheless, we rented a car and headed back to Baltimore, unsure of what to do next.
God was already at work. Allison and Stuart just happened to be in Birmingham for the weekend and John's parents lovingly offered their 1994 Volvo until we could come up with a plan. They drove it back up and we gratefully excepted and lovingly drove the Swiss heater for 2 years. It was/is a great car and did exactly what we needed. The biggest problem was the air conditioner, which just didn't work. It didn't really bother us in Baltimore. The weather was cool and we needed heat more than air. But as you all know, you really need air in Alabama, cold air. Again, this was our only real complaint of the car until recently. I think the car must just be tired but it has been quiting. We will be driving down the road and everything just cuts off. You have to be patient and try several times but it will eventually crank back up. Friday however, it did this 4 times. Three of which I was by myself, at night, and it was pouring down rain.
So, after two years, we figured out our plan! Saturday morning we went to a car lot and literally gave the lucky salesman who decided to say hello our money. He laughed at us because as we each test drove the vehicle, all we could talk about was how great the air felt. We are now the proud parents of a 2007 Subaru Forester! She is beautiful, in that awkward so ugly it's cute sort of way! I love it! White with tan interior and an amazing air conditioner! John and I (mainly John) did a ton of research. We were looking for a safe car with enough space to tote Abby's gear, fuel efficiency with the ever rising gas prices, and checking account friendly! I think we found it. I'm still working on a name for her. I really liked Frannie the Forester but John wasn't a huge fan. If you have any suggestions please feel free to suggest away! I'll post pictures of our exact one as soon as we have some but here's the idea. Ours is white and obviously not as new looking.


Laura said...

i mean...i feel like i should get a phone call about something so HUGE as a new car!! what!?! call me!!

Carrie said...

Yea! That is great! I want to come take a ride!

Maggie said...

Susie the Subaru!!!

How exciting! I can't wait for my first ride!! Congrats McElhenys!