Wednesday, April 9, 2008

10 Things you may not know about me!

But actually there are 12. And I'm sure I could keep going. I have recently seen myself with a more critical eye and discoverd all sorts of strange behaviors! Some of these you may already know and after learning the others you may realize I am not as awesome as you once thought…maybe I should not have posted this????

My Mom is SOOOO weird!!!

1. I tear off the first square of toilet paper in every public restroom. I cannot use it. It is a strange germ phobia/issue I have. I cannot help but think of the last person to use the restroom and that their germy hands touched that piece of tp. I can’t use it for toileting purposes now! It officially contains what I like to call, pee particles! And because of these pee particles floating around the restroom, I don’t like to leave my toothbrush out in the open. The pee particles also cause to me to freak out and throw out my gum if I accidentally blow a bubble or open my mouth in the bathroom.

2. I hate to wear earrings or suites. I am convinced I look like an 8 year old playing dress up in my mom’s clothes.

3. My profile is not my best feature. My chin is almost non-existent and so I do not like to be photographed from the side. However, I discovered that if I swallow, it pulls up my skin and gives me a well defined chin! I spent my entire wedding day swallowing and now anytime a camera is in view, I swallow!

4. I have a fear of parking decks, tunnels, and bridges. I don’t trust the structures and am convinced that they will collapse or I will get trapped in them. Maybe I have watched too many movies but I tend to feel like an elephant is sitting on my chest when I have to go through, in, or over.

5. Broadway is my dream job. I wish so badly that I could sing and it would be so fun to dance. So to be able to do all of that would be amazing! By myself, in my car, all alone, I am a Broadway star.

6. Holidays and special occasions are my favorite. I love to make a big deal out of anything worth celebrating. I could care less how commercialized an occasion has become because in my mind there is always a reason to have fun. My theory is that, regardless if we should, we don’t always show people how much we care so why not go all out on days set aside to do just that!

7. I can only talk on the phone using my left ear. My right ear just does not hear as well and I feel spastically uncoordinated trying to hold it on that side. Should I have my hearing checked?

8. I love people. I thrive on being social and surrounded by people. I hope that when Abby grows up my house is where all the kids want to be. Please do not ever feel like you are intruding on me. I have an open door policy and, if it were safer, would leave my door unlocked. I enjoy drop-ins and surprise visits.

9. One of my favorite things to do is go in to Abby’s room in the middle of the night and pick her up. I love to snuggle with her and feel her head nestled in the nape of my neck. John is always worried that I am going to wake her up but most of the time I am selfish and just don’t care! She’s just too sweet and innocent for words.

10. I am very prideful and stubborn. In my mind I can do everything. Nothing seems illogical or unreasonable. I don’t read instructions or directions and always think I can figure things out. I hate the word 'can’t’ because to me that says you are throwing your white flag up in surrender. I would rather fail a million times than have anyone else do it for me or tell me how.

11. I have the most massive crush on Patrick Dempsy. In fact, I am obsessed with Patrick Dempsy to the point of having to come clean with John. He knows that if Patrick ever knocks on our door, I'm sorry; I will have to leave John to be with him. He is on my 'List' and actually the only one on my list. When he smiles (yes I realize it is only on television) I melt and get goose bumps. Watching him in movies and on television makes me feel like a giddy school girl wondering how I can change my path in the hallway to run in to him!

12. You can almost always count on seeing me with my sunglasses on my face or acting as a headband. They are like a soft blanket that comforts me daily. I feel invisible when they are on my face and naked if they are not on my head. If I don't have a pair handy for any moments notice I panic and begin breathing rapidly. I will wear them when needed on bright, sunshiny days, when it is pouring down rain, even when I get out of the shower to hold my hair back as I put on my make-up.

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