It is amazing what just one month will do! With each new step of independence Abby takes she developes a new found curiosity and need to explore. Abby is no longer content to sit, or even walk around, and play. She has developed a love of climbing. It began a few weeks ago. She was in the den playing with some toys and I ran to the kitchen to fix her some juice. Our house is small and you can see every room from every room. I clearly did not give Abby enough credit because in the few short minutes this task took, she had climbed on to the dining room chair and from there on to the top of the dining room table! I didn't even realize she could get in the chair and apparently neither did she. When I walked back in she was sitting on the table waiting for me with the biggest smile. She was so proud and clapped for herself as if she had just won a gold medal. As cute as this all is, it is becoming more and more difficult to keep her on the ground. She climbs on anything in sight. She loves to sit on the end tables. And it takes her seconds to scooch her little hiney up there.
Does this mean I need to strap her in to a harness and carabiner and set her up to scale the house? Stuart - if you're reading, let me know if 16 months old is too early for bouldering and climbing mountains!
With the summer Olympics just around the corner, I feel compelled to start her in gymnastics. Maybe I can live vicariously through her because, you know, I was supposed to be in the 2000 Olympics. Bella Karolyi told me I missed out by mere tenths of a point! Speaking of, I am so excited for August and all the gymnastics. We don't have tivo, dvr, or any other programs but I am thinking we need to install it for the month of August because gymnastics is my absolute favorite! And I don't want to push it on Abby but she seems to enjoy climbing and flipping around right now. I've looked in to some gymboree classes and need to figure out what age bracket to start her in; she's just on the cusp of two different ones and I think that would make a pretty big difference developmentally. I don't know, we'll see. For the time being I'll just let her enjoy herself and try to keep her from climbing the walls. Maybe I'll get her a helmet!
Sweet Leslie! That Abby is too cute...I feel sure she will be a fantastic gymnist but a helmet might not be too bad of an idea. Mary Selwyn is a little climber, trying to climb up side tables and dressers...oh so fun! I love you!
Who is this grown woman sitting in that chair!?!? she is not the baby Abbie I know. SO glad you commented on my blog and that I found yours because I had forgotten you are a blogger! Love the posts. hope all is well and you will come to Mont. soon!
Les - we have to have Olympics parties all week - especially for the gymnastics!
When is the big move? Clerks leave 8/8 - same day as Opening Ceremonies so I will be home free to see you! Hurrah! I will make an American flag cake!
Leslie! I'm so excited I found your blog. Abby is precious. Keep posting. I have a lot to learn from someone who has been there!
Hey Leslie! I can relate! Savannah hasn't done any table climbing (yet) but she climbs on anything low enough. We had a stack of presents from her birthday a week or so ago, she had climbed up the wobbly mountain and was standing on top like she had just climbed everest. We'll have to get our little climbers together to get some of that energy out!
Hey LES!! I found your blog a while back and I want you to update SOOOO badly so I can read about that sweet Abby!! I hope ya'll are doing well. Miss ya!
Take Care.
sexy little girl I would love a piece of her
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